Who We Are

We are CHRISTIANS! We are convinced that God made us in his very image and placed us in the world. All the murder and mayhem of history resulted from our choice to turn our backs on God. Yet God continues to love us and sent his son, Jesus, to rescue us. He died on our behalf so that our sins could be forgiven. He is the Savior given to the world. We are convinced of that. So we have found forgiveness, hope, joy, and power in our relationship with God that Christ provided. We follow Christ. We are his body in the world. The Bible refers to these people who belong to Christ as the Church. We are people, yet we believe in Christ and belong to God. So…
We are EXCITED! We meet together to worship, learn, share, and serve each other. We love to pray and give and bless other people. We enjoy helping folks live a strong and victorious life. Our statement of purpose is to be a church that C.A.R.E.S.
Connecting each person with the living God
Affirming each person in love
Reaching nonbelievers for Jesus Christ
Equipping believers for ministry
Affirming each person in love
Reaching nonbelievers for Jesus Christ
Equipping believers for ministry
Sending servants into the world