Images From Revelations
David Rawley Otterbein United Brethren in Christ Church
The final (ending) word of the Bible is the “revelation” given to St. John while he was imprisoned on an island fortress for preaching and speaking about Christ. He tells us that he “heard” and “saw” this vision (Revelation 1:10-12). The speaker was one “like a son of man”, that very phrase being a self description often used by Jesus. This person who John saw had eyes as bright as fire and feet as bright as bronze. The eyes speak of the intensity and purpose of Christ, not the meek lamb going to the slaughter but the risen Lord who possesses all authority. The feet speak of the dual nature and purpose of Christ, a union of God and man. Bronze, a union of copper and iron, is malleable but rigid, representing both the strength of God and the vulnerability of man.
Daniel 1:8-16