WHO IS JESUS ?   As the Christian calendar turns to the annual celebration of PALM SUNDAY, it is great to reflect on the meaning and message of that amazing day.  It was a bit like a ticker tape parade.  A bit like a rock concert with screaming fans.  There was genuine admiration, emotional patriotism, and a little group hysteria.  Fronds from the palm trees, wraps from their robes…whatever was handy…tossed on the street in front of the donkey which Jesus rode into the city!  Of course some folks frowned, clucked their tongues and shook their heads.  And among the ones cheering, there were those who were jubilant for the wrong reason.  They thought their national liberation was at hand.  Nonetheless, it was a potent moment for that day and place and for those people of Jerusalem.  


Humble Yourself

If you have been trapped by what you said or ensnared by the words of your mouth, then do this, my son, to free yourself.  GO and HUMBLE YOURSELF to your neighbor and APOLOGIZE.  Allow no sleep to your eyes.  Free yourself like a bird from the snare of the fowler”  (Proverbs 6:3-4).  This advice from the Scripture is as relevant today as it was 3000 years ago!  How different our lives would often be if we simply followed this maxim.  Notice the urgency.  Allow no sleep!  Don’t wait!  Notice the condition.  Humble yourself!  Get off your high horse!  Notice the result.  This sets me free!  I have changed my future!  Notice the relationship.  New terms with my neighbor!  Second chance with my coworker or friend or family!  New beginning with GOD!  A simple, sincere apology.